Cloud Management API 1.5


A Volume provides a highly reliable, efficient and persistent storage solution that can be mounted to a cloud instance (in the same datacenter / zone).



Lists volumes.

GET /api/clouds/:cloud_id/volumes
HTTP response code
200 OK

Required roles


name required type values regexp blank? description
filter no Array * * no See below for valid filter parameters.
view no String default, extended * no Specifies how many attributes and/or expanded nested relationships to include.


name partial_match? description
datacenter_href no The href of the Datacenter / Zone the Volume is in.
deployment_href no Deployment href to filter on.
description yes The description of the Volume to filter on.
name yes The name of the Volume to filter on.
parent_volume_snapshot_href no The href of the snapshot from which the volume was created.
resource_uid no Resource Unique IDentifier for the Volume to filter on.

Example Responses

Click on a format below to see an example response for the 'default' view:

  "created_at": null,
  "updated_at": "2023/10/09 11:06:01 +0000",
  "name": "NAME_1978450230",
  "resource_uid": "RESOURCE_1166705757",
  "size": 1,
  "description": "DESCRIPTION_1978877528",
  "status": "in-use",
  "cloud_specific_attributes": null,
  "links": [
  "actions": [

  "created_at": null,
  "updated_at": "2023/10/09 11:06:02 +0000",
  "name": "NAME_1267233762",
  "resource_uid": "RESOURCE_128588983",
  "size": 1,
  "description": "DESCRIPTION_715559168",
  "status": "in-use",
  "cloud_specific_attributes": null,
  "links": [
  "actions": [

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <updated_at>2023/10/09 11:06:01 +0000</updated_at>
      <link rel="self" href="/api/clouds/888/volumes/RESOURCE_1166705757;2332079705"/>
      <link rel="cloud" href="/api/clouds/888"/>
      <link rel="datacenter" href="/api/clouds/888/datacenters/RESOURCE_2387280756;RAND"/>
      <link rel="volume_snapshots" href="/api/clouds/888/volumes/RESOURCE_1166705757;2332079705/volume_snapshots"/>
      <link rel="current_volume_attachment" href="/api/clouds/888/volume_attachments/RESOURCE_2001687115;3956794654"/>
      <link rel="recurring_volume_attachments" href="/api/clouds/888/volumes/RESOURCE_1166705757;2332079705/recurring_volume_attachments"/>
    <updated_at>2023/10/09 11:06:02 +0000</updated_at>
      <link rel="self" href="/api/clouds/888/volumes/RESOURCE_128588983;3087885902"/>
      <link rel="cloud" href="/api/clouds/888"/>
      <link rel="datacenter" href="/api/clouds/888/datacenters/RESOURCE_1950696832;RAND"/>
      <link rel="volume_snapshots" href="/api/clouds/888/volumes/RESOURCE_128588983;3087885902/volume_snapshots"/>
      <link rel="current_volume_attachment" href="/api/clouds/888/volume_attachments/RESOURCE_3206404625;2839410080"/>
      <link rel="recurring_volume_attachments" href="/api/clouds/888/volumes/RESOURCE_128588983;3087885902/recurring_volume_attachments"/>

Click on a format below to see an example response for the 'extended' view:

  "created_at": null,
  "updated_at": "2023/10/09 11:06:01 +0000",
  "name": "NAME_1978450230",
  "resource_uid": "RESOURCE_1166705757",
  "size": 1,
  "description": "DESCRIPTION_1978877528",
  "status": "in-use",
  "cloud_specific_attributes": null,
  "links": [
  "actions": [

  "created_at": null,
  "updated_at": "2023/10/09 11:06:02 +0000",
  "name": "NAME_1267233762",
  "resource_uid": "RESOURCE_128588983",
  "size": 1,
  "description": "DESCRIPTION_715559168",
  "status": "in-use",
  "cloud_specific_attributes": null,
  "links": [
  "actions": [

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <updated_at>2023/10/09 11:06:01 +0000</updated_at>
      <link rel="self" href="/api/clouds/888/volumes/RESOURCE_1166705757;2332079705"/>
      <link rel="cloud" href="/api/clouds/888"/>
      <link rel="datacenter" href="/api/clouds/888/datacenters/RESOURCE_2387280756;RAND"/>
      <link rel="volume_snapshots" href="/api/clouds/888/volumes/RESOURCE_1166705757;2332079705/volume_snapshots"/>
      <link rel="current_volume_attachment" href="/api/clouds/888/volume_attachments/RESOURCE_2001687115;3956794654"/>
      <link rel="recurring_volume_attachments" href="/api/clouds/888/volumes/RESOURCE_1166705757;2332079705/recurring_volume_attachments"/>
    <updated_at>2023/10/09 11:06:02 +0000</updated_at>
      <link rel="self" href="/api/clouds/888/volumes/RESOURCE_128588983;3087885902"/>
      <link rel="cloud" href="/api/clouds/888"/>
      <link rel="datacenter" href="/api/clouds/888/datacenters/RESOURCE_1950696832;RAND"/>
      <link rel="volume_snapshots" href="/api/clouds/888/volumes/RESOURCE_128588983;3087885902/volume_snapshots"/>
      <link rel="current_volume_attachment" href="/api/clouds/888/volume_attachments/RESOURCE_3206404625;2839410080"/>
      <link rel="recurring_volume_attachments" href="/api/clouds/888/volumes/RESOURCE_128588983;3087885902/recurring_volume_attachments"/>


Displays information about a single volume.

GET /api/clouds/:cloud_id/volumes/:id
HTTP response code
200 OK

Required roles


name required type values regexp blank? description
view no String default, extended * no Specifies how many attributes and/or expanded nested relationships to include.

Example Responses

Click on a format below to see an example response for the 'default' view:

  "created_at": null,
  "updated_at": "2023/10/09 11:06:01 +0000",
  "name": "NAME_1978450230",
  "resource_uid": "RESOURCE_1166705757",
  "size": 1,
  "description": "DESCRIPTION_1978877528",
  "status": "in-use",
  "cloud_specific_attributes": null,
  "links": [
  "actions": [

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <updated_at>2023/10/09 11:06:01 +0000</updated_at>
    <link rel="self" href="/api/clouds/888/volumes/RESOURCE_1166705757;2332079705"/>
    <link rel="cloud" href="/api/clouds/888"/>
    <link rel="datacenter" href="/api/clouds/888/datacenters/RESOURCE_2387280756;RAND"/>
    <link rel="volume_snapshots" href="/api/clouds/888/volumes/RESOURCE_1166705757;2332079705/volume_snapshots"/>
    <link rel="current_volume_attachment" href="/api/clouds/888/volume_attachments/RESOURCE_2001687115;3956794654"/>
    <link rel="recurring_volume_attachments" href="/api/clouds/888/volumes/RESOURCE_1166705757;2332079705/recurring_volume_attachments"/>

Click on a format below to see an example response for the 'extended' view:

  "created_at": null,
  "updated_at": "2023/10/09 11:06:01 +0000",
  "name": "NAME_1978450230",
  "resource_uid": "RESOURCE_1166705757",
  "size": 1,
  "description": "DESCRIPTION_1978877528",
  "status": "in-use",
  "cloud_specific_attributes": null,
  "links": [
  "actions": [

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  <updated_at>2023/10/09 11:06:01 +0000</updated_at>
    <link rel="self" href="/api/clouds/888/volumes/RESOURCE_1166705757;2332079705"/>
    <link rel="cloud" href="/api/clouds/888"/>
    <link rel="datacenter" href="/api/clouds/888/datacenters/RESOURCE_2387280756;RAND"/>
    <link rel="volume_snapshots" href="/api/clouds/888/volumes/RESOURCE_1166705757;2332079705/volume_snapshots"/>
    <link rel="current_volume_attachment" href="/api/clouds/888/volume_attachments/RESOURCE_2001687115;3956794654"/>
    <link rel="recurring_volume_attachments" href="/api/clouds/888/volumes/RESOURCE_1166705757;2332079705/recurring_volume_attachments"/>


Creates a new volume.

POST /api/clouds/:cloud_id/volumes
HTTP response code
201 Created
Href of created Volume.

Required roles


name required type values regexp blank? description
volume yes Hash * * no
volume[datacenter_href] no String * * no The href of the Datacenter / Zone that the Volume will be in. This parameter is required for non-OpenStack clouds.
volume[deployment_href] no String * * no The href of the Deployment that owns this Volume.
volume[description] no String * * no The description of the Volume to be created.
volume[encrypted] no String true, false * no A flag indicating whether Volume should be encrypted. Only available on clouds supporting volume encryption.
volume[image_href] no String * * no The href of the Image that should be used as a source
volume[iops] no String * ^\d+$ no The number of IOPS (I/O Operations Per Second) this Volume should support. Only available on clouds supporting performance provisioning.
volume[name] yes String * * no The name for the Volume to be created.
volume[parent_volume_snapshot_href] no String * * no The href of the snapshot from which the volume will be created.
volume[placement_group_href] no String * * no The href of the Placement Group. This option can not be used in combination with parent_volume_snapshot_href.
volume[size] no String * ^\d+$ no The size of a Volume to be created in gigabytes (GB). Some Volume Types have predefined sizes and do not allow selecting a custom size on Volume creation.
volume[volume_type_href] no String * * no The href of the volume type. A Name, Resource UID and optional Size is associated with a Volume Type.


PUT /api/clouds/:cloud_id/volumes/:id
HTTP response code
204 No Content

Required roles


name required type values regexp blank? description
volume yes Hash * * no
volume[allowed_instance_hrefs] no Hash * * no Used to update instances which are allowed to connect to this volume.
volume[allowed_instance_hrefs][add] no Array * * no Hrefs for instances to add into allowed list.
volume[allowed_instance_hrefs][remove] no Array * * no Hrefs for instances to remove from allowed list.
volume[name] no String * * no The new name for the Volume.


Deletes a given volume.

DELETE /api/clouds/:cloud_id/volumes/:id
HTTP response code
204 No Content

Required roles